Thursday, May 21, 2020

Communication Channels for Health Care Communication...

HCS 320 Communication Channels Health Care Communication Strategies Communication Channels Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior† (Merriam Webster Dictionary 2011). Communication can be verbal or non-verbal, and can also be done using the face to face or by telephone. Communication uses different channels for transmitting information. The use of e-mails, telephone calls, fax, postal mail, are just some of the few channels used for communicating. Every organization makes in choice in what channels of communication to use for passing information and employees need to know the specific channel of their organization for†¦show more content†¦Employees use verbal communication when dealing with patients at their facilities. Externally Eagles Landing uses memos, emails, faxes and telephone when communication with its affiliates. Doctors use both written and verbal communication when dealing with their patients. Verbal is the most common form of communication at this hospital because physicians and nurses are constantly interacting with patients when care is been administered. Comparison In comparing of all of the three organizations, it shows that the most common communication used is verbal even though each organization has different structure and services. Communication channels are very similar at organizations even if the services rendered are different. Verbal and written communication are the most effective and most commonly used between organizations, their clients, affiliates and their community. Litton Loan Servicing, Health Care Services and Eagles Landing Hospital all use the mail, e-mails, telephone, faxes and face to face channels for communicating regardless of the services offered. Litton Loan Servicing on the other hand uses the telephone so much more as compared to the other organizations. Improvements No organization is perfect when it comes to communication regardless of what form of communication channel they use. MostShow MoreRelatedA Study of the Communication Channels Used inHealth Organizations1078 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Com munication Channels Used in Health Organizations: Communication is described as the process with which messages or information is transferred between people through the use of various channels that incorporate signs, symbols, words, and behavior. While communication can either be verbal or non-verbal or a combination of both, it uses divergent channels of transferring information. There are various communication channels that are used across different organizations like health care firms basedRead MoreHealth Care Communications Methods Essays1482 Words   |  6 PagesHealth Care Communications Methods Monique Taylor HCS/320 June 27, 2013 Lisa D. 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