Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Conflict Style Assessment For Michael Rosales - 1726 Words

Conflict Style Assessment for Michael Rosales Throughout this semester, we have learned a great deal about conflict styles in which we may encounter in our lives. Surely everyone has experienced conflict, but not everyone handles the situation the same way. This paper is an assessment on how I have dealt with and learned my own ways of dealing with conflict throughout my life, as well as how others close to me have dealt with conflicting situations with me. Created by William W. Wilmot, I was able to utilize these assessments in ways I have never been able to statistically see how conflict is handled in my inner circle of friends or family. The assessments that I have taking and given are to four of the people that have been closest to me in my lifetime. Even though we are very close, being around these individuals for a while surely brought many conflicts. Now that I was able to analyze which styles of conflict I used with each person, thanks to Wilmot’s assessments, I can now see the difference in each category of conflict. First I will be covering my own styles on how I handled any disagreements, arguments, or conflicts with my most recent ex-girlfriend Megan, and my uncle Robert (Rob). The conflicts covered will not be one single situation but rather all of them as a whole, since there were so many conflicts throughout my life with these people. I will start off with Megan. Upon completion of how I handled our conflicting situations, I was able to see that out of the

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